UTM Builder

If you are planning on creating custom campigns for your website and want to get as much data with Google Analytics, you arrived to the right spot. This UTM Builder will create the correct kind of link that will enable you to track your campaigns the correct way in Google Analytics.

Copy Your Campaign URL


UTM Information Description
Website URL Required
Add the URL of the page you want to send the user to. Example: https://example/page-name/
Campaign Source
Use the utm_source in order to identify the source of the entrance. Example: google, facebook, newsletter
Campaign Medium
Use the utm_medium in order to identify the medium of the entrance. Example: email, cpc
Campaign Name
Use the utm_campaign in order to identify the Campaign name of the entrance. Example: 50%_off
Campaign Term
Use the utm_term in order to identify the Term used (keyword, used for PPC). Example: Best organic SEO tools
Campaign Content
Use the utm_content in order to identify the Content that was clicked to get to the page (commonly used for A/B testing). Example: banner

UTM Maker

Making UTM links can be a really task, or it can be a serious headache. Many campaign managers are not very big fans, to say the least. However, there are easier ways to making them rather than sitting in front of an Excel spreadsheet and copy & pasting. With this UTM maker tool, we make the task of making UTM links - simple.

You can use this tool on your CMS, especially if you're running an eCommerce store such as Shopify.

Available in the Chrome Web Store