Not all online clothing businesses are started from large warehouses. Some businesses are run from a small office at home. So if you would like to learn how to start an online clothing business from home, you can read these steps and get started now.
Step 1 – Choose your Niche
There are many different niches that you can fulfill for your online clothing business. You could be a dropshipper, selling clothes that are made and stored at another warehouse. There are plenty of dropshipping apps that can be used for that, including this app here where clothes are made and distributed from the USA.
Another option is to offer clothes that you make yourself. This can be niche clothing like party dresses, wedding dresses and more. You can charge a higher price for these items and earn more money. You can also earn a good wage for selling to fewer people.
A final option is to sell clothes like a regular store and use a room in your house for storage. You would need a smaller inventory list than other brands, but you can really concentrate on making sure that you know your products and marketing them.
Step 2 – Branding
Now you can choose your brand. This will include generating a name, domain name and brand identity. There are lots of things to consider when you are branding and you have to think about your customers, products and ethics. Color choice is one of the most important aspects, if you’re selling to children, then you should be using vibrant or pastel colors.
If you’re selling high-end fashion, often stores use more neutral colors like black and white. You should also check that your name and domain are good. There are several tools that you can use for this.
Step 3 – Platform
Now you need to select a platform to work with. For eCommerce stores, Shopify is one of the favorite options. It is highly versatile and perfect for online stores. It has everything with the packages including a way to take online payments. Plans are also affordable.
The average Shopify store also takes just 14 days for the first sale. Which is a good time. Shopify also comes with lots of great themes for fashion stores and apps to help you find your audiences.
Step 4 – Build your Website
Now you need to build your website. Shopify uses themes that give you a great starting point and you can add your own images and text to any theme to get your website built within just a few hours. You can also add products, add apps to help you market your brand and more on your website with ease.
You can build a website within a day, but ensure that you test that website to ensure that it is working perfectly. Allow others to look at the website and ask for their feedback. Be sure that you’ve also set up shipping correctly and payment methods. Run a few test orders to ensure everything works smoothly.
Step 5 – Prepare your Home Space
Now you need to prepare a good space at home to work from. This can be a small office in the house, a converted garage or a purpose-built out-house for your business. It all depends on your business model and needs for the business.
It might seem strange to do this part now, but it can take 14 days to make your first sale, and this can be an anxious period, so it is best to do two hours of marketing per day and then occupy your time with other tasks.
Step 6 – Market your Brand
Every day you should be marketing your brand. This can include SEO, blogging, social media and email marketing. Spend about two hours every day marketing your brand. This can be done all at once or in several small segments.
You can also connect your Shopify store to several apps to help you manage your website’s marketing better.
Final Word: How to Start an Online Clothing Business from Home
Learn how to start an online clothing business from home with the steps above. Be sure that you use this free business name generator and free domain checker to save you time when developing your branding.
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